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anderson cooper造句

  • Moderator Anderson Cooper talked up the debate on his nightly show.
  • Her youngest son is Anderson Cooper, a television news anchor.
  • He was also interviewed regarding these issues on Anderson Cooper 360.
  • Sock puppet has repeatedly attacked Anderson Cooper and the talk page.
  • It was hosted by CNN anchors Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.
  • Monday, she yakked with Anderson Cooper and Bill O'Reilly.
  • Cohen has partnered with Anderson Cooper on a national tour, AC2.
  • HLN-produced programs such as Anderson Cooper 360 ) on hold.
  • Anderson Cooper is not your father's anchorman.
  • Triumph made fun of host Don Lemon and fellow CNN host Anderson Cooper.
  • It's difficult to see anderson cooper in a sentence. 用anderson cooper造句挺难的
  • These descendants include the current Duke of Marlborough and CNN reporter Anderson Cooper.
  • The month is featured on CNN's Anderson Coopers Town Hall meetings.
  • Anderson Cooper left his job as an ABC News correspondent to act as host.
  • No mention of Anderson Cooper ( much less the cult of Anderson Cooper ).
  • No mention of Anderson Cooper ( much less the cult of Anderson Cooper ).
  • The program was started in 2007 . the program was hosted by Anderson Cooper.
  • Anderson Cooper himself declared Kozak's forecast the " Best Forecast Ever ".
  • And gone is host Anderson Cooper, replaced by emcee to the celebrities Ahmad Rashad.
  • Anchor Anderson Cooper, the hippest of the network's anchors, will moderate.
  • He has also substituted for Anderson Cooper on " Anderson Cooper 360?".
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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